Acupuncture For Foot Pain
Why try foot acupuncture?
Although the benefits are numerous, here are some of the top reasons why you should consider this course:
- Foot acupuncture is non-invasive and can easily fit into your busy schedule. You don’t have to be sedated or prepped with a certain drug to sit for acupuncture. You can simply pull in, receive your weekly treatment, and continue on with your day.
- Since it’s non-invasive, the potential for complications is far smaller than for those undergoing things like minor or major surgeries. There is less for you to worry about.
- As a holistic practice, acupuncture is better for you, requiring no foreign chemicals or substances be placed into your body. As a result, your body is able to naturally heal you and your pain, which is better for your health and longevity in the long run.
- It has been scientifically proven in countless studies that acupuncture provides real, tangible results in patients. Nothing is worse than living with chronic pain, and acupuncture is a treatment course that can actually help with the discomfort.
Foot Acupuncture
Foot acupuncture is known as the administration of tiny needles into strategic points around the foot, designed to open up pathways increasing blood flow, and producing neurochemicals known to reduce swelling and pain. Most notably, this form of medicine has proved to provide support and answers in a difficult region of the body: the foot.
Does acupuncture actually work at relieving pain in the foot region?
Countless studies have examined patients receiving real and fake acupuncture, arriving at the same conclusion every time: acupuncture provides tangible pain relief in the foot region. In many cases, these patients were able to return back to work and reestablish a normal life for themselves, that’s how effective the treatments proved to be overtime.
What kind of foot pain can acupuncture treat?
Technically, acupuncture can treat any kind of inflammation, discomfort, or chronic pain located throughout the body. However, the most common acupuncture ailments include bunions, corns, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and neuromas. Since the foot is not a big joint or rotating cuff like knee or ankle, casts and other treatments don’t really do the trick. Acupuncture attacks the pain from every angle using strategic needle placement.
What are my chances of feeling pain alleviation?
Although every person is different, studies have shown that regular acupuncture sessions have the ability to decrease chronic pain in patients drastically where many patients report they don’t notice the pain at all. Acupuncture comes with far less potential for side effects than all other courses of treatment, including medications, prescription drugs, and surgeries.
Is foot acupuncture safe for everyone?
No matter your weight, age, or physical state, acupuncture is a non-invasive holistic practice that works on every person. Unlike surgery requirements, medication complications, and medication qualifications, acupuncture is a topical approach that inserts no foreign anti-bodies, medications, or chemicals into your body. It’s the safest form of treatment you could pursue at this time.
How long should I treat my ankle pain with acupuncture?
Every person is different, which is why we make a unique strategy for each and every individual. However, we recommend pursuing acupuncture treatment few times per week for a few weeks. At that point, we will evaluate the situation and make necessary adjustments moving forward.
How does acupuncture help with my foot pain?
Depending upon the kind of foot pain you have, you are either dealing with inflammation, arthritis, or some combination of the two. It’s not a pleasant feeling or experience, which is why acupuncture is able to help with both sources of pain. Through strategic needle placement, circulation is restored to the afflicted area. With better circulation comes additional oxygen delivery, helping the body to more effectively treat the foot region.
Additionally, toxins and tissues that have built up at the site are flushed through the body before clots and other dangerous build-ups occur. As a result, inflammation decreases overall, which makes your body happier and healthier.
When should I get started with foot acupuncture?
If you have suffered an injury, proceeding with foot acupuncture as soon as possible is recommended. However, if no matter your treatment plan or how long you have been in pain, acupuncture can still provide relief and pain reduction in the foot region. Your acupuncturist will work with you to identify your diagnosis while making a schedule that is right for you and your foot pain.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us for getting started with foot acupuncture today.
General information about the foot
Many times, finding ways to ease chronic foot pain can feel downright impossible. It’s hard to identify where the pain is coming from, why it’s occurring, and what you can do to fix it in the future. And as we know, nothing is more debilitating or annoying than dealing with pain in our feet – the very vessels that carry us from point A to point B every single day. Life is pretty difficult without them!
According to the Arthritis Foundation, more than 46 million Americans live with arthritis or other chronic joint pain problems on any given day – of those people, about 90% of patients will develop chronic pain in either their feet or ankles.
Funny enough, a needle or two might be all you need to make these foot ailments go away, especially those dealing with plantar fasciitis on a daily basis. Whether you’re living with bunions, corns, heel spurs, neuromas, or plantar, your range of motion has been limited and as a result, your quality of life. Let’s look at the potential benefit of adding acupuncture for your foot to the strategy.
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We are near: Martlon, Mount Laurel, Voorhees, Moorestown, Haddonfield, Deptford, Washington Township, Maple Shade & Willingboro
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Monday-Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only
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102 Browning Ln B1 Cherry Hill NJ, 08003 Phone: 856-528-2678