Weight loss
Acupuncture For Weight Loss
We Use leading edge acupuncture points to control your cravings. Acupuncture for weight loss can be very effective for shedding weight gained by overeating. Acupuncture is used to stimulate the release of hormones from endocrine glands such as the pituitary gland. The hormones released, also known as endorphins, make you feel good. Acupuncture helps you to stop overeating, reduces stress and treats any digestive problems that could be the cause of weight gain. It is commonly known that the insertion of acupuncture needles into certain points on certain parts of the body can result in reduction of cortisol levels creating relaxation and calm, making it easier to handle anxiety, frustration, stress and other emotions that lead to overeating.
Come to the very best
We are near: Martlon, Mount Laurel, Voorhees, Moorestown, Haddonfield, Deptford, Washington Township, Maple Shade & Willingboro
Get acupuncture today and experience the benefits of acupuncture in south jersey
Working hours
Monday-Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only
We are here
102 Browning Ln B1 Cherry Hill NJ, 08003 Phone: 856-528-2678